Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ten more teenies


I don't understand
why I've not writ more of these


Greenery ignites;
red-orange blazing through nature
signals inner might.


Two stars collided
in the black of metaspace:
you stemmed from the blast.


Guardian angels
don't do what you think they do:
you're safer alone.


One two three four five,
one two three four five six ... shit,
that didn't work out.


You said you loved her,
quivering with nerves' affright:
her silence answered.


Hearts don't really break;
they just stop delivering
oxygen to brains.


Four turns into five:
my wrist feels more loved today
and I more content.


Exquisite duress
ornaments your temperament,
pondering future.


Cuando te veo,
lamento con sonrisa
tus sentimientos.


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