"Reading Therapy"
by Antoine
Reading is a task for me
Don't get me wrong, I love it
I love reading, I really do
I love to read but it's a task for me
It's really sad, you see
I love to read but reading is a task
It's like there's someone, I mean
I love to read but there's someone
Inside me who doesn't
Love it so much and he's doing everything he can
To keep me from reading
Someone inside me who hates to read
Hates to read and he does all he can to distract me
He wants to distract me
From, um
I mean
Distract me from the reading
The reading, the task at hand
The task at hand is reading
But this little birdie, you see
All he wants to do
All he ever wants to do is write
Writing is all he ever wants to do
He doesn't like to read, you see
So here's how it goes
I'll get my book and I'll open it
I'll open my book, you see
And find my page and I'll start to go over the words
I go over the words, you see, with my eyes
And sometimes they make sense
But sometimes they don't make sense and they just
They just sort of, um
They just sort of don't
Process and so
I'm trying to read but the words
The words just keep repeating
I'm trying to read but the words keep repeating
The words, they just keep repeating because
My eyes don't deliver the message to my mind
And I have to go back and try to send it again
The message in these words, you see
I have to read it over
And over sometimes
And sometimes it's worse
Sometimes I just forget what I'm doing
Forget that I'm reading and just start thinking
I'll think about something that fascinates me
Something I read that fascinates me
And I'll stare off and think about it
I'll think about it and forget that I'm reading
Forget what I'm doing
I'm trying to read
I just sort of, um
Zone out, you see
It's the focus that bothers me
Troubles me most, I think
Yes, I think it's the focus
The trouble is the focus
It's just
I can't focus
I can't seem to, um
It's just something like
My eyes ... and the words ...
On the page ... and I try but ...
Hold on
Um yeah
Where did I go wrong ?
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