Monday, March 15, 2010

in the metaether


you tossed a penny and you wished
you made a prayer and you wished
you blew out the candles and you wished
you crossed your fingers and you wished
you watched the star fly by and you wished
you noticed the time and you wished
you held his hand and you wished
you broke a bone and you wished
you plucked a clover and you wished
in the dark you closed your eyes and you whimpered
and you wished

you didn't get what you wished for
and now you can't help but wonder
where did the wishes go ?

when you die and you find me
you will remember me and you will ask
where do the wishes go ?

i will tell you this story and you will understand
your doppelgänger mongers all your wishes
and holds them for you
keeps them safe and sound so that
when you join her in the metaether
she can show you them once more
and hold them out to you

and tear them into pieces in your face

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