Monday, November 5, 2007

to lie my way out of court

subject: temper
style: grateful
source: Albert

"My goal is not to lie my way out of court... My plan is to not get into court."

I didn't think I would ever say this, but thanks Yang ! (Sorry, but I refuse to call her by any other name.)

I really don't like her. I never have, and I still don't. But I owe a lot to her. She was my first D in a class, ever. She prepared me, by handing me a failing grade and virtually ha7ing my guts, for the harsh injustice of the real world. She brought out my true spite. And I am really glad she did. Because indirectly, the experience forced me to toughen up, and convinced me how important it is to succeed. If I had done well in that class, I would have remained the shy and studious, happy-go-lucky little boy who I once was. And I would have been a whole year behind in the development of my personality and my tigerosity (for lack of a better word .. which, in this day and age, should not occur as often as it does. I have encountered simply too many definitions that lack names).

After Lenna, another failure was all I needed to push me over the edge. In truth, I am thankful that I went through what I did as early as I did. It saved me a lot of trouble later on -- when I already had enough to worry about.


Peter Kim said...

for me, it was mr. seguin's class. yeah, i had a D- in his class for the very first quarter report card...and boy did that whip me into shape (mentally, of course haha). strangely, when i think about it, i felt no stress about school. i was carefree and even when i got that big fat D- on my report card, i was pretty much apathetic to it. now, if i had a D in a class, i'd be like seriously stressed and depressed to the point where i wouldn't eat a meal (i wouldn't skip two. i like food too much haha). frankly, it seems like luck that i prioritized my schoolwork and stuff...but i know it isn't.

i dont know whether you directly felt impacted by "yang"'s discipline, but for me, it was indirect and just sort of happened without me even knowing it. however, it did happen...but i can't remember how and when...and why. strange.

Anonymous said...

even though they feel like they hurt a lot more, I guess in the end, early failures are more helpful. in a sense, I'd rather get them all over and done with so I can learn from them already. funny how that works out.