Thursday, September 2, 2010

in a vacuum


My antimuse sits perched on my shoulder
Whispering in my ear (nay, straight to mind)
The longer I pretend to call myself a writer
The more intense his admonitions grow
If you can't read, you can't write
This mantra is becoming ever more concrete
But I like to write, why should I need to read ?
You need to read to write
Everyone knows this
You know, he tells me, you cannot not fail
Think hard about this
You can't even read a novel
You took three years to read a novel
How can you possibly expect to write one ?
Revision requires a read-through
Everyone knows this
You need to read to write
If you can't read, you can't write
Not well at any rate
I've written plenty of poetry
But is it good ?
It has never shone to me as adamantly
As swiftly now it strikes a blow
And knocks me out
That if I want to stay in English
At all
My poetry needs – needs – to be
Really ... really ... good.
Because I can't fall back on revision
I can't decide to switch to shorts or novels
If I want to write, I'm stuck
With poetry as my only choice
It's all that's short enough
If I want to write, I have to write poems
Since I am inept
As my antimuse continues to remind me
I am inept, he assures me I am
In a vacuum, if you'd ask your self
Is it harder to read or to write ?
The answer is of course
To read is child's play
To write is a thing reserved for the elite
But I myself live backward
I live – if I live –
Backward live I
I write, right ? I do write
I have the right to write
But have no right to read
I lack the rote I need
To read
Or so my antimuse tells me 

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