Friday, August 21, 2009


subject: unsent letters, wishes
style: earnest, wanting
source: George Will

"The future has a way of arriving unannounced."

F: It was nice to see you again. I guess you didn't feel the same. Hope I didn't ruin things with that proposition ... In other news, I can't understand how someone as beautiful as yourself can have so little self-confidence.

A: I don't want to meddle in your life. I don't want to interfere with anything you've got going for you, because I'm not certain I'd be able to make you any happier anyway. And yet somehow, everything I write nowadays ... is for you. Something about you inspires me. I don't know what it is, but I have always held a special place for you. I am constantly reminded of how much we have in common, and on such a deep level. I care about you, and it hurts me to see you so oft neglected and put down. I don't know what to do for you. I don't know what I can do. I wish I could hear from you again ... I feel I can only speak to you in my writing, and in this you never answer. Are you listening ? The words that leave my pencil continue to call your name, and I guess I feel like, if I keep writing long enough, I can help us both to reach a place where we can finally be happy. I have always wanted to run away with someone, and if I had to choose anyone with whom to do it, it'd be you. Of course, the only places to which I can really run away are my thoughts and, occasionally, my dreams.

K: You're cute. That's about it.

E: Not having seen you for a while, I forgot what a sweet person you are. Sometimes I wish you could just tell somebody when they make you swoon, so that they could say likewise and you could just get past all the awkward stages of figuring it out for yourselves.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

do the letters spell "FAKE" on purpose?