Tuesday, April 21, 2009

we were victims, together but lonely

subject: point of view
style: I already used "nostalgic," didn't I ?
source: Jack Johnson, If I Had Eyes

"Sometimes time doesn't heal; no, not at all.
It just stands still, while we fall
in or out of love again.
I doubt I'm gonna win you back
when you've got eyes like that.
They won't let me in, always looking out."

My head is reeling.

Six months. Wow. It has been six months. The period of time I've not had her is already half as long as the time I did have her.

And now, I shall go to Guiness for most times denied in six months. FML.

No, I get it. You're done wasting your time. That's cool.

But you know, I do still exist. I think. It is really awkward being forced to walk behind you rather than alongside you; it makes me feel like I am stalking you, and I don't like that. A "hi" would be nice.

Or maybe a "bye," at least ?

Then again, I have found that it is best not to say good-bye, because usually when you do, you always regret not having hugged them harder.

But the trouble with leaving it out, and just cutting off contact without any warning, is that I am never quite sure whether you intend for it to be a permanent thing, or whether it is just another "give me some time off" sort of deal.

There is nothing I can say.

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